Ph.D., University of Houston
Research Interests
Multi-item scaled measurement, advertising effectiveness issues, particularly those related to measurement and to negative comparative advertising; health care marketing in a turbulent environment, specifically issues related to consumer decision making and ethics in marketing, especially the integration of ethical considerations in strategic decision making.
Dr. Hensel has published 40+ refereed journal and refereed national proceedings articles, two refereed reference books and a CD-ROM reference on multi-item scaled measures. For the most part, these publications represent the areas of research interest indicated above.
In the area of multi-item scaled measurement he co-authored, with Dr. Gordon Bruner at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Marketing Scales Handbook: A Handbook of Multi-Item Measure of Marketing Related Constructs, 1992, AMA Press. This 1,315 page reference resource for marketing academics and practitioners is considered the premier book of its kind. It has been favorably received in almost all of the major marketing journals and is extensively cited in the marketing literature. A revised version of this book was reprinted in 1994. With Dr. Bruner, Dr. Hensel also provided a limited distribution prototype of this text and an update of its material in computer-searchable CD-ROM format published in 1995. Volume two of the Marketing Scales Handbook was published in August of 1996 by the AMA. This volume extends the original book from 1990-1993 and add two new journals to the data base from which multi-item scaled measures were researched.
Dr. Hensel has published articles in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association, Southern Marketing Association, and the Academy of Marketing Sciences on multi-item scaled measurement issues. He has several other articles in this area of interest under review at various journals and continues to explore research possibilities in this area.
In the health care area, Dr. Hensel has worked primarily with Dr. James Williams, resulting in two publication in the Journal of Health Care Marketing and another in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management. He and Dr. Williams are currently working on several articles related to consumer choice of hospitals.
Advertising issues have been a part of Dr. Hensel's research since his dissertation days. He has published articles with various co-authors in the Journal of Advertising and the Journal of Marketing Education as well as the Proceedings of the American Marketing Association and the Southern Marketing Association. His primary current work in this area focuses on negative comparative advertising and measurement of its effectiveness.
In the ethics area, he has published articles on ethical decision making and marketing education in the Journal of Business Ethics and the Marketing Education Review.