Special Notice
Dr. Banerjee plans to admit a new PhD student to start in Fall 2023/Spring 2024.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
M.Tech. in Computer Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), India
Research Interests
AI has advanced in leaps and bounds in recent years and is shaping the world around us in the most unique ways. I use hybrid & knowledge-aware, explainable AI techniques to address complex real-life problems that challenge the boundaries of human and machine intelligence. My research interest lies at the intersection of connectionist and logicist AI, encompassing work in diverse topics, such as:
Deep Learning/ ML – Logic & Automated Reasoning – Commonsense Reasoning – Natural Language Processing (NLP) –Question Answering – Problem-Solving – Knowledge Representation and Reasoning – Human-Machine Teaming –Cognitive Modeling – Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) – Computational Social Science
For the mutual progress of humanity and science, we must be able to use AI, not as mere tools but as our able teammates. The overarching research goal is to make progress in this direction, using hybrid methods. This, more often than not, leads to exploration of problems at the intersection of Computer Science, Cognitive Science and other scientific domains that call for interdisciplinary approaches.