Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration (Ph.D.)
Our program is the only one of its kind in the New Orleans area, and admissions is selective. Our program emphasizes education in urban environments and promotes reflective practice in the development of effective education.
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree is intended for those who plan an inquiry into the issues of educational leadership through a theoretical framework. Doctoral studies in educational administration emphasize research methodology, both quantitative and qualitative. Study for the Ph.D. is suited for those planning careers in school, college and university administration, in college and university teaching, in research or policy analysis in offices or departments of school systems, higher and post-secondary institutions, state agencies, or in any education-related leadership profession.
The Educational Administration doctoral program prepares individuals intending to build academic or administrative careers in the areas of school, college, or university leadership and administration. Consistent with emerging paradigms for effective practice which attend to pipeline issues as a key factor in student success through college, the program curriculum will focus on understanding and leading education as a PK-16+ integrated system. Because students will be coming from a variety of curricular backgrounds the core curriculum will be designed to engage students in a basic understanding of educational administration and leadership with progression to more advanced theoretical formulations of leadership, administration, and organization of schools and post-secondary institutions.
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes specify what students will know, be able to do, or be able to demonstrate when they have completed a program of study.
Chris Broadhurst, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Degree Requirements
Required coursework for the Educational Administration Ph.D. currently constitutes a total of 52 hours beyond the Master's degree, including 22 hours of core courses, 21 hours of research, and 9 hours of dissertation research. Students with no Master's degree in either educational administration or higher education may be required to complete additional coursework (a 12-hour concentration in their discipline).