Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Programs
A student who is interested in medicine or dentistry as a profession should select a degree program which will adequately prepare him or her for entry into professional school yet provide ample opportunity to pursue additional interests in varied academic disciplines. Most schools stress a four-year degree program as the best possible preparation. A student may major in the subject of his or her choice; however, the student and the advisor must be sure the major program selected either includes those courses required by the medical or dental school or offers sufficient free electives to include 50 or 60 hours of science. The pre-medical/ pre-dental advisor in the College of Sciences should be consulted as soon as possible after the student enters the University, and such consultation is encouraged on a regular basis thereafter. Additional information about the pre-medical and pre-dental curricula may be obtained in the office of the College of Sciences (1100 Science Building).
College of Sciences
Office: SC 1100
Phone: 504-280-6303聽
Pre-Medical Requirements (PDF)