How We Do Things in the face-to-face writing center
When many people use the same facilities, there needs to be some rules to make sure that everybody has equal access to the services we offer. Please read the rules stated below and follow them.
When many people use the same facilities, there needs to be some rules to make sure that everybody has equal access to the services we offer. Please read the rules stated below and follow them.
You can come to see a writing coach in person with or without an appointment, but with is better. Book all appointments (in-person and via Zoom) through the front page of the Writing Center website.
You can only make one writing-tutoring appointment at a time.
You can only have one writing-tutoring appointment per day.
When you come in for a face-to-face appointment, check in at the front desk. We need to know that you have arrived for your appointment.
If you must cancel your appointment, send an email to (the address is part of your confirmation email if you booked online) or you can call us during our stated business hours (9-2 Mon--Thur): 504 280-7054.
If you fail to keep an appointment (in person or on Zoom) without canceling beforehand, you will be marked a "no show" and your professor will be notified. After three no-shows, you will not be able to make another appointment for the rest of the semester.
Be on time for your appointments! If you are five minutes late, your appointment may be given to another student waiting for a stand-by appointment.
If you are ten minutes late, your appointment will be cancelled.
You cannot bring food or drinks (except bottled water) into the Writing Center or the computer lab.
You are not allowed to use cell phones in the Writing Center (except in emergencies). Turn them off or set them to vibrate when you come in.
The Writing Center staff reserves the right to remove anybody from the premises who disobeys the above rules, creates a disturbance, or disrespects the staff.